Registration fees vary per class - see descriptions below.
You are responsible to order your book before classes begin (unless otherwise noted)

Tuesday childcare is limited. If you find that it is full, consider taking a Real Life Class offered during church services (with weekend service childcare available).


ROOTED IN THE WORD: Hebrews 11-13

Tuesday Mornings, 9:30am | Beginning January 21st (9 weeks) | Building 1

Equipping women with the tools for a deeper understanding and a more intentional approach to Scripture as you remain Rooted in the Word. In this class you will experience both a large and small group format and learn how to let scripture interpret itself. Encounter the Bible in new ways and learn how to be Rooted in the Word.

Childcare available for birth through 5th grade.
Class fee is $10 and a book will be provided.

Note: Registration for childcare is separate from class registration. Please register for childcare first as availability is limited.

Register for Childcare
Register for Class


Tuesday Mornings, 9:30am | Beginning January 21st (9 weeks) | Building 1

In scripture, we see Mary’s public display of affection was also a hidden one. Hidden not because no one else was watching but because no one else really mattered.

As Jesus dined with his friends, Mary poured perfume on His feet and then wiped them dry with her hair. Though others were scandalized and quick to criticize her actions, Jesus dignified her with His words. He even said that she would be known and highly regarded for her wastefulness.

Mary had eyes for one. Her motives were oriented toward Him. She wasn’t driven to His feet by accolades, and she stayed despite criticism. What she cultivated with this man, Jesus, in the quiet and ordinary became her greatest expression.

In this book we explore the rich, yet often buried, opportunities God gives us in our own moments of hiddenness and just how to lean in, there, with expectation. And to grow. Deep. Continually.

God is inviting us to embrace this kind of hiddenness: When no one else applauds you, when life is hard and makes no sense or simply feels like drudgery in the still quiet, will you hide yourself in Me? Will you waste your love on Me, here?

Childcare available for birth through 5th grade.
Class fee is $10.
Participants can pick up their study guide the first week of class for $15 or purchase it prior to class here: Unseen Study Guide

Note: Registration for childcare is separate from class registration. Please register for childcare first as availability is limited.

Register for Childcare
Register for Class

When Fear Meets Faith

Tuesday Mornings, 9:30am | Beginning January 21st (9 weeks) | Building 1

Are you afraid of what others might think of you? Is it difficult for you to trust others? Do you find yourself crippled by the idea of being harmed? Life in a sinful world provides many reasons to feel afraid. From fearing the approval of man to fearing physical harm, we all experience fear in some way. Fear reminds us of our limitations and illuminates our desire for protection. But how are Christians called to deal with the reality of their fears?

Over the course of this study, we will look to the pages of the Bible to understand God’s intentions for our fears. We will learn what it looks like to turn from false comforts and live with ultimate trust in God’s perfect provision and care.

This study will:

  • Discuss how to approach our fear in light of the Gospel
  • Explore the differences between the Fear of Man vs. the Fear of God
  • Remind you of God’s love, the hope of the gospel, and the presence of God who provides lasting peace in the midst of fear.

Childcare available for birth through 5th grade.
Class fee is $10.

Note: Registration for childcare is separate from class registration. Please register for childcare first as availability is limited.

Register for Childcare
Register for Class

Craving community: How the Gospel helps you cultivate faithful friendships

Tuesday Mornings, 9:30am | Beginning January 21st (9 weeks) | Building 1

A friend is a friend at all times, and a brother is born for the time of adversity. Proverbs 17:17
Have you struggled to make friends? Or keep them? Whatever your experience has been, we were all designed for community. We all want to feel connected. Thankfully, God does not leave us on our own to figure out the ins and outs of friendship! Craving Community is a four-week study that will:

  • Help you to fix your gaze on Jesus who gives us friendship with God.
  • Show you the attributes of a godly friend.
  • Equip you to navigate difficulties in friendship.
  • Encourage you to pursue godly friendship even when it’s hard.

Childcare available for birth through 5th grade.
Class fee and book fee is $22 and a book will be provided on week 1.

Note: Registration for childcare is separate from class registration. Please register for childcare first as availability is limited.

Register for Childcare

Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt

Sunday Mornings, 9:45am | Beginning January 19th (9 weeks) | Building 2

How can we receive assurance of our relationship with Christ? How are we kept from being deceived by false teaching? How does God call us to live as believers? The letters of John answer these questions by giving believers gospel-centered encouragement and truths that motivate our faithfulness and give us security and certainty in our faith.

Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt | A Study on the Letters of John is a study that will:

  • Teach you what it looks like to be a follower of Christ
  • Give you assurance in your relationship with Christ
  • Remind you of the blessings of being a believer
  • Encourage you to live in light of the gospel
  • Motivate you to remain rooted in the truth of the gospel

Childcare available through Kids Ministry for church services.
Class fee is $10.

Register for Class

Delighting in God's Word: The James Method Verse Mapping

Sunday Mornings, 9:45am | Beginning January 19th (9 weeks) | Building 2

"The emphasis in this psalm is on the vital ministry of the Word of God in the inner spiritual life of God's children. It describes how the Word enables us to grow in holiness and handle the persecutions and pressures that always accompany an obedient walk of faith." -Warren Wiersbe

If you are ready to get up close and personal with Psalms 119, this is the perfect mapping plan for you!

Childcare available through Kids Ministry for church services.

Class fee is $10.

Register for Class

Elijah: Faith and Fire

Sunday Mornings, 11:30am | Beginning January 19th (9 weeks) | Building 2

Old Testament heroes are best known for their most celebrated moments: Moses dividing the Red Sea; David slaying Goliath; Gideon routing an insurmountable army; Joshua marching around the defiant walls of Jericho.

And Elijah—calling down fire on Mount Carmel.

Blinded by the remarkable narratives of our biblical heroes, we can forget they each had a backstory—months and years of development, even difficulty, which fortified their spiritual muscle and prepared them for the tasks that made their lives unforgettable.

Every serious believer longs to summon up the kind of boldness and faith that can stand firm on Mount Carmel and pray down heaven into impossible situations. Yet few are willing to go through the process required to get them there. Strength of faith, character, and boldness can only be shaped in the hidden fires of silence, sameness, solitude, and adversity. Those who patiently wait on God in the darkness emerge with their holy loyalty cemented, their courage emblazoned, and their confident belief in Him set afire.

Join Priscilla Shirer on this 9-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah to discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. And how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life right now.


  • Understand the value of seasons of growth and testing in your spiritual maturity.
  • Be encouraged to wait on God’s good work in your heart and mind, even in seasons when you feel like no one sees.
  • Learn to trust in the goodness and faithfulness of God and His purposes for your life.

Participants are required to purchase the book prior to the first day of class.  

Childcare available through Kids Ministry for church services.
Class fee is $10.

Register for Class

Amen: The Story of Scripture from Eden to Eternity

Sunday Mornings, 11:30am | Beginning January 19th (9 weeks) | Building 2

Amen - The Story of Scripture from Eden to Eternity will walk you through all the genres of Scripture to show how everything from the law and prophets to the gospels and epistles point to Jesus and His redemptive plan.

  • Help you understand and identify the metanarrative of Scripture: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration
  • Give you invaluable tools and knowledge so that you can interpret and apply Scripture to your everyday life
  • Leave you with a greater understanding of who God is, how He works in the world, and His redemptive plans and purposes

Childcare available through Kids Ministry for church services.

Class fee is $10.


Growing in God as a law enforcement wife

Sunday Mornings, 9:45am | Beginning January 19th (8 weeks) | Building 2

Uniting Law enforcement Wives in biblically based relationships.

Vision: To guide law enforcement wives on their biblical journey, creating a safe & supportive Christian community to process their life events. Learn how to pray, build godly relationships, implement healthy coping strategies, and find resources to help.   

Childcare available through Kids Ministry for church services.
Class fee is $10.

Register for Class